Martin designs ' spongebob squarepants address books and journals were sold nationwide from june of 2006 through july of this year for about $ 2 马田设计的海绵宝宝地址簿和杂志从2006年6月到今天7月止以2美元的价格出售。
Martin designs spongebob squarepants address books and journals were sold nationwide from june of 2006 through july of this year for about $ 2 由马丁设计的一款从2006年6月至今年7月在全美售价在2美圆的海绵方形通讯录和杂志就在其列。
Martin designs ' spongebob squarepants address books and journals were sold nationwide from june of 2006 through july of this year for about $ 2 马丁设计公司的海绵宝宝地址薄和笔记本于去年7月到今年6月间在全美范围内出售,售价大约是2美元。